HLP Due Diligence Portal
HLP Due Diligence enables humanitarians to uphold the ‘do no harm’ principle by verifying land and property rights to ensure assistance respects existing rights, prevents conflict, and proceeds responsibly.
The Due Diligence Process
A clear, step-by-step due diligence process ensures legal certainty, minimizes risks, and upholds human rights by thoroughly assessing land, property, and community dynamics before starting any operations.
1. Preparedness & Planning
Ensure awareness amongst the project team about the interlinkages between the project and HLP.
3. Implementation
Respond effectively and promptly to any HLP-related issues associated with the shelter project.
2. Before Implementation
Ensure legal rights and community is adequately informed and consulted.
4. Evaluation
Assess how the project impacted HLP and tenure security.
Understanding Tenure, Ownership and Governance
In many countries, land rights and management are governed by overlapping systems, such as legal, traditional, or religious rules. Due diligence requires identifying who makes decisions, resolves disputes, and allocates land, as well as understanding how these systems work together.
State legislations and institutions, typically through written or codified law.
Local communities and community leaders through customary practices.
Religious institutions/religious leaders, sometimes through religious legal structures.
Combination of two or more tenure systems, usually state and non-state tenure systems.
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Factors to consider for a due diligence assessment
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